CLI Quiz Game
Project information
- Category: Command Line Tool
- Start date: August 25, 2024
- Project URL:
Golang, Command Line Interface
What did I achieve with this project?
In this project, I got to build my first project with Go. It introduced me to core concepts in Go like
channels and goroutines. I had only worked with single threaded programming before, so it took some
adjustment to understand how to wait for routines to finish and pass data correctly between different
goroutines using channels. I had to use goroutines and channels to allow the quiz game to have a timer
that automatically stops the game after a specified amount of time provided by the user.
I also improved my workflow while working on this project by stopping development on the project when I
did not understand the concept I was working with and creating simpler demos to flesh out my
understanding of said concept. This practice prevented me from getting fully stuck while working and
allowed me to deepen my knowledge in controlled environments.